Youngstock 2

Foals born 2008

Kellas Pirouette & foal
Kellas Pirouette with her filly foal, Kellas Piretta, born 30th May 2008
Sire: Klooky of Houlland


Kellas Piretta
Kellas Piretta at a few hours old


 Kellas Piretta

Kellas Piretta at a year old

Scamells Rosette & Rosco
Scamells Rosette with her colt foal, Kellas Rosco, born 10th July 2008
Sire: Clibberswick Hammerite


Kellas Rosco

    Kellas Rosco

Kellas Rosco aged 4 weeks

Photos of some of the parents and relatives of our young stock can be seen in our Mares and Stallion pages.

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